Any student who wants to improve an aspect of their academic life can benefit from coaching.
I work with students anywhere on the continuum of academic experiences.
If any of the following sentiments sounds familiar, you are a good fit for coaching:
I am doing well, but I spend all my free time studying.
I start the semester/year motivated, but I can’t sustain it.
My procrastination gets in the way of my ability to demonstrate my true capabilities.
My grades don’t reflect the time and effort I devote to studying.
I’m in danger of failing a class.
I’ve fallen so far behind; I am overwhelmed and don’t know how to catch up.
I have ADHD, or think I might, and I want to understand how this impacts me.
How can I accommodate myself if I have ADHD or another neurodivergence?
I’ve never taken a class like XX before; how do I tackle it?
I want a calendar/planner that I’ll stick with.
How do I get started or keep going with something that’s boring or difficult?
I thought I was smart; what happened?